Welcome and..goog luck !!!
vineri, 24 decembrie 2010
joi, 23 decembrie 2010
And in my case this is not a fucking movie..just my dear mom and dad annoying the fuck out of me.They drive me crazy with their fucking Christmas cleaning.Alina,go do that,do this,bring me the duster,throw it in the trash can,get the vacuum..this..that..there..:| My dad just carved the tree so now I have to decorate it.Joy..I mean I like to decorate the Christmas three but I`m not in the Christmas mood right now..not when I think about all the work I still have to do.In my room.Fuck.
miercuri, 22 decembrie 2010
Fucking boredom..
Today was fucking boring.I mean,I slept all day like a bear in hibernation,but it was to be expected seeing as I got to bet at 6 in the morning :]]Anyway..at 5 o`clock in the afternoon my dad fucking woke me up just when I was getting to the interesting part in my dream..:]] Yesterday I was to fucking lazy to write a new entry..
:| I already described my boring day so I don`t have anything more to say,for now..so yeah..:]]
:| I already described my boring day so I don`t have anything more to say,for now..so yeah..:]]
luni, 20 decembrie 2010
I`m going to dedicate this entry to my dog,Ringo `cause he made my fucking day!! =]
I only slept 2 hours `cause I got to bed late,last night - it was actually morning - and just when I was getting nice and toasty in my bed I was woken up by a commotion: some male voices screaming,my mother`s shouts and my dogs barks.Wonderful.I got out of bed,seriously pissed off and looked out the window to see what the fuck was happening but the sight before my eyes chased away every ounce of irritation..and instead I started laughing my head off..my mother was trying to hold back Ringo, - more like chasing him around - who was growling and barking at two scavengers that were trying to take a heavy bag of trash from my yard.My mother couldn`t keep up with the mutt so she grabed a rake trying to scare him off - it was useless of course because when she blocked his way he went on the opposite so the scavengers were screaming and dropping the bag of trash,only to pick it up again to take another few steps toward the gate.=]] When they had finally made it to the gate they ran like bats out of hell,mom was panting and leaning on the fence and I was laughing so hard I had tears runing down my face.I think this was the best wake up I had ever had...It fucking made my day!!
duminică, 19 decembrie 2010
Hey folks
Visit this please -> http://pixieblabla.blogspot.com/ or else..I`ll rip your fucking heads off.
Hey,at least I said please,you suffer the consequences,not my fault :D.
FUCK the Cleaning Countdown to Christmas
Ugh,detest cacatu asta.Imi place Craciunu.Da nu-mi place sa fac curat..cine naiba intra la mine in camera oricum? de ce nu poa` sa fie cocina ca de obicei ~x[
Azi ar fi trebuit sa fie o zi perfecta. Prima Duminica in nu stiu cat timp, care nu a supt pl =]] adica ar fi trebuit sa nu o suga,dar tot a supt-o pe jumate`.Au plecat ai mei d`acasa.Am avut toata ziua doar pentru mine si eu ce rahat am facut?Am facut curat,normal ca sa nu se mai crizeze maicamea "Parca vad ca vine Craciunu si la tine in camera e cocina" - asa si? cui nu-i place sa nu intre :]] de fapt,chiar va rog sa nu intrati.
A observat cineva ce nasoale sunt duminicile ?:| Rahat..nu-i nimic la televizor si mai trebuie sa te pregatesti si pentru scoala,servici sau alte rahaturi,Lunea.Acum astept sa vina ai mei acasa - nu prea astept da asta e partea a2a =] - si am facut si curat in 'cocina', na !!!
sâmbătă, 18 decembrie 2010
19 Decembrie 2010,ora 00 mi-a venit geniala idee sa imi fac blog.Nu stiu cum se face ca cele mai briliante idei imi vin numai pe la 12 noaptea..o vi freun semn >]
Oricum noaptea e mult mai geniala decat ziua si desi imi place sa dorm pe intuneric noaptea e cel mai bun timp pentru a ma relaxa.Ce e mai genial decat sa iei o carte buna si sa citesti toata noaptea,sa scapi de lumea reala de rahat in care existam?!Singura parte proasta e cand ma ia oboseala si tot nu vreau sa ma culc.De ce naiba sa pierd timpul aiurea dormind cand pot face altceva care ziua nu-l pot face.Nu pot citi sau invata ziua nici de-a dracu..asa ca..I`ll sleep when i`m dead.Oricum sa revin la subiectul initial.Sper ca o sa se dovedeasca a fi o idee buna..am si twitter si facebook* numai hi5 nu am,las acel privilegiu pentru cocalari si cocalarese,pitipoance,memo si alte specimene.Hi5 is overrated * si nu prea le folosesc.n-am timp.Sper sa am timp pentru blog..si cam atat nu are rost s-o ard aiurea doar de dragul de a tasta ceva :]]..
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